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Writing a book with the help of K Books.


Writing Book

K Books provides a platform to write your own booksarticlesthesisproves and much more...
It allows you to publish your writing world wide with the help of internet.So if you think you have a writing skill, share it with the world.

K Books Writing Platform :

K Books is a online book store which aims at providing free books for the users. We are always trying to keep the service better & more better, so we are here with a new feature for Book lovers and writers. After reading this many of books some of you might be thinking that they can write even better. But the problem is where to start from or whether your book will get the response from the readers or your book will be considered as a dum.
             K Books writing platform is the solution. We provides you a platform from where you can type your book, take as much time as you want, we also can make or find images related to your book, can design you book cover page. We can also design your book's interior with the related theme.At last we publish your e-book on the web and you can also share thee book with whom-ever you want.

How To write :

You can start by clicking on the option given  'Write your own e-book'. Then you will get a new tab with Google documents. Follow the steps to start writing:

  • Click on 'Go to google docs' 
please do not click on business work place as this will be an paid version.

2. You will see a window like displayed below. Click on the theme on which you want to write the book. It is not compulsory that you should write with a specific theme, but it is suggested that you can use 'Book report theme ' for better experience and higher tools to be used.

3. You will reach on a page as displayed. Now the next step is to write the content for which you are here. So start writing the book and do the necessary changes with the important content. Try to be more specific and accurate, mention facts, and have confidence in yourself & you will make it.

4. The fourth and the last step is to save your written content and send it to 'K Books'  for further steps and changes or makeover to be applied. Click on share and then enter the respected mail address:  and click on done !  and the document will be sent to K Books.

 Congratulations  you have completed the writing and sending part of the book. The last thing is to fill the following google form which will help us in improving the book and in the publishment process.

Click below to write e-book :

Link to google forms : Author's forms[K Group publications]


Uday Khedekar said...

good job

Flyer Design said...

I will do a unique Book Cover design.

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K Group contact details

CEO K Books : Yash Khedekar

Address: SaiNagar, Chikhli, Maharashtra, India.

Business mail:

please do not pass a unnecessary comment or email to the email address listed above.

Write e-book

K Books provides a platform to write your own books, articles, thesis, proves and much more...
It allows you to publish your writing world wide with the help of internet.So if you think you have a writing skill then please share it with the world. Foe more details read more...

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